International journals :
Schwartz, J.-L., Sato, M. & Fadiga, L. (in press).
Le langage commun de la perception et de l’action dans la communication
parlée: une perspective neurocognitive. Faits de Langue. (Partenaire
Mondada, L. (accepted). The situated organization of directives in French:
imperatives and action coordination in video games. In : Chevalier, F.H.G.
(ed) (forthcoming 2011) French Language and Social Interaction: Studies
in Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, Nottingham French
Studies (Special Issue), Volume 50 (2).
Aubanel, V. & Nguyen, N. (2010), Automatic recognition
of regional phonological variation in conversational interaction, Speech
Communication, 52, 577-586.
Brunellière, A., Dufour, S., & Nguyen, N. (accepted). Regional differences in the listener's phonemic inventory affect semantic processing: An ERP study, Brain and Language.
Dufour, S., Nguyen, N., & Frauenfelder, U. (2010). Does
training on a phonemic contrast absent in the listener's dialect influence
word recognition?, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
Express Letters 128, EL43-EL48.
Mondada, L. (2009). The Embodied and Negotiated Production of Assessments in Instructed Actions, Research on Language and Social Interaction, 42 : 4, 329–361.
Mondada, L. (accepted). The situated organization of directives in French: imperatives and action coordination in video games. In : Chevalier, F.H.G. (ed) (forthcoming 2011) French Language and Social Interaction: Studies in Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, Nottingham French Studies (Special Issue), Volume 50 (2).
National journals:
Bert, M., Bruxelles, S., Etienne, C., Jouin, E. , Mondada, L., Teston, S., Traverso, V. (2010). Grands corpus et linguistique outillée : enjeux de la mise à disposition de corpus de français en interaction (bases CLAPI et CIEL). Revue Pratiques (CRESEF, Metz), n° 147-148 (décembre 2010).« Interactions et Corpus Oraux ».
International books or international book's chapters
Mondada, L. (submitted). An interactionist perspective on the ecology of linguistic
practices: The situated and embodied production of talk. In Ralph Ludwig,
Peter Mühlhäusler & Steve Pagel (eds.). Language ecology and
language contact. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Mondada, L. (accepted). Coordinating mobile action in real time: the timed
organization of directives in video games. In: Haddington, P., Mondada, L.,
Nevile, M. (eds). Being mobile: Movement as social action.
Mondada, L. (accepted). Coordinating action and talk-in-interaction in and out of video games. In R. Ayass, C. Gerhradt (eds.). The appropriation of media in everyday life. What people do with media. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series).
Mondada, L. (submitted). An interactionist perspective on the ecology of linguistic practices: The situated and embodied production of talk. In Ralph Ludwig, Peter Mühlhäusler & Steve Pagel (eds.). Language ecology and language contact. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Nguyen, N. Representations of speech sound patterns in the speaker's brain: Insights from perception studies, in Cohn, A., Fougeron, C., & Huffman, M., éditeurs, Handbook of Laboratory Phonology (Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK), sous presse.
Communications in international conferences:
Bruxelles, S. ; Traverso, V. (2011). Making one’s
own voice heard in other-repetitions. Panel "Understanding varieties
and functions of other-repetition in interaction" (Oloff, F.; Traverso,
V.), 12th International Pragmatics Conference (IPRA), Manchester, 4-8 juillet.
Bruxelles, S., Etienne, C., Jouin, E., Mondada, L., Oloff, F., Traverso, V. (2011). Phénomènes et unités : questions autour de la détection automatique des répétitions dans un corpus de langue parlée en interaction. Colloque international « (Dés-)organisation de l'oral ? De la segmentation à l'interprétation » (24-25 mars 2011, Rennes).
Garnier, M, Lamalle, L. & Sato,
M. (2011). Neural correlates of intentional versus automatic imitation of
speech. 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June
26-30, Québec, Canada.
Garnier, M, Lamalle, L. & Sato, M. (2011). Neural correlates of phonetic
convergence and speech imitation. Ninth International Seminar on Speech Production,
June 20-23, Montreal, Canada.
Michelas, A, & Nguyen, N. (2011). Uncovering the effect of imitation on tonal patterns of French Accentual Phrases. Interspeech 2011, Florence, 28-31 august.
Oloff, F. (2011). Re-completing a turn: repeats as receipts
of collaborative completions. IIEMCA 2011, 10th Conference of the International
Institute of Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis, Fribourg, 10-14 juillet.
Oloff, F. ; Mondada, L. (2011). "Repeating" gestures while translating:
Translation as an embodied practice. Panel "Understanding varieties and
functions of other-repetition in interaction" (Oloff, F.; Traverso, V.),
12th International Pragmatics Conference (IPRA), Manchester, 4-8 juillet.
Oloff, F. (2011). L'hétéro-répétition suite aux complétions collaboratives : une étude multimodale de tours produits conjointement. Colloque international « (Dés-)organisation de l'oral ? De la segmentation à l'interprétation », Rennes, 24-25 mars.
Oloff, F., & Traverso, V. (2011). Understanding varieties and functions of other-repetition in interaction. Panel accepted at the Colloque International de la International Pragmatics Association (IPRA), Manchester, 4-8 juillet.
Sato, M., Grabski, K., Garnier, L., Granjon, L., Schwartz, J.-L. & Nguyen, N. (2011). Plasticity of auditory goals in speech production: behavioral evidence from phonetic convergence and speech imitation. Ninth International Seminar on Speech Production, June 20-23, Montreal, Canada.
Alho, J., Jaaskelainen, I., Sato, M., Schwartz, J.-L., Tiitinen, H., Kauramäki, J. & Sams, M. (2010). To listen and to talk: auditory M100 response shifts posteriorly when perceiving phonemes before speaking, Neurobiology of Language Conference 2010, San Diego, 11-12 nov. 2010.
Bigi, B., Bertrand, R., & Guardiola, M. (2010). Recherche
automatique d'he´te´ro-re´pe´titions dans un dialogue
oral spontané, Actes des XXVIIIèmes Journées d’Étude
sur la Parole, Mons, 25-28 mai 2010.
Brunellière, A., Dufour, S., & Nguyen, N. (2010).
Y a-t-il un impact de l’imitation sur la reconnaissance des mots parlés
dans un accent régional non-natif? Actes des XXVIIIèmes
Journées d’Étude sur la Parole, Mons, 25-28 mai 2010,
pp. 321-324.
Brunellière, A., Dufour, S., & Nguyen, N. (2010). Electrophysiological evidence for the impact of non-native regional accent imitation on sentence comprehension, Neurobiology of Language Conference 2010, San Diego, 11-12 nov. 2010.
Sato, M., Grabski, K., Granjon, L., Schwartz, J.-L., & Nguyen, N. (2010). Converging to a common speech code: automatic imitative and perceptuo-motor recalibration processes in speech communication, Neurobiology of Language Conference 2010, San Diego, 11-12 nov. 2010.
Traverso, V. (2010). Répétition, accord et désaccord : analyse d'une réunion de travail. Communication accepted at the Colloque International « Dialogisme », 8-11 septembre, Montpellier.
Invited talks:
Sato, M. (2011). Die Rolle der Spiegelneuronen bei der Sprachentwicklung.
2nd Neurotherapy Symposium, May 14, Zurich, Switzerland.
Nguyen, N. (2009).The sound shape of words in the mental lexicon : Insights from studies on imitation between talkers, Linguistisches Kolloquium, LMU, Munich, juil.
Sato, M. (2009). Percevoir et agir ? Interactions sensorimotrices
lors de la perception de parole. Laboratoire Linguistique, Langues, Parole,
December 12, Strasbourg, France.
Sato, M. (2009). Interactions sensorimotrices lors de la perception de parole.
Laboratoire Parole & Langage, May 29, Aix-en-Provence, France.
Sato, M. (2009). La nature sensorimotrice de la parole. Centre de Recherche
en Sciences Cognitives et du Langage, February 20, Bruxelles, Belgium.
PhD thesis:
Aubanel, V. Traitement perceptif de la variation phonologique : le français de Marseille (Supervisor : N. Nguyen).
Fiasson, R. Dynamique des mouvements articulatoires dans l'interaction conversationnelle (Supervisor : N. Nguyen).
Guardiola, M. Contribution multimodale à l'étude
de phénomènes de convergence dans l'interaction en face-à-face
(Supervisor : R. Bertrand et P. Blache).