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Revues internationales avec comité de lecture:

Schwartz, J.-L., Sato, M. & Fadiga, L. (in press). Le langage commun de la perception et de l’action dans la communication parlée: une perspective neurocognitive. Faits de Langue. (Partenaire GIPSA-lab)

Mondada, L. (accepted). The situated organization of directives in French: imperatives and action coordination in video games. In : Chevalier, F.H.G. (ed) (forthcoming 2011) French Language and Social Interaction: Studies in Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, Nottingham French Studies (Special Issue), Volume 50 (2).

Aubanel, V. & Nguyen, N. (2010), Automatic recognition of regional phonological variation in conversational interaction, Speech Communication, 52, 577-586.

Bertrand, R. & Priego-Valverde, B. (2011), Does prosody play a specific role in conversational humor?, Special Issue of Pragmatics and Cognition, vol. 19, no. 2, 333-356.

Brunellière, A., Dufour, S., & Nguyen, N. (accepted). Regional differences in the listener's phonemic inventory affect semantic processing: An ERP study, Brain and Language.

Dufour, S., Nguyen, N., & Frauenfelder, U. (2010). Does training on a phonemic contrast absent in the listener's dialect influence word recognition?, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Express Letters 128, EL43-EL48.

Mondada, L. (2009). The Embodied and Negotiated Production of Assessments in Instructed Actions, Research on Language and Social Interaction, 42 : 4, 329–361.

Mondada, L. (accepted). The situated organization of directives in French: imperatives and action coordination in video games. In : Chevalier, F.H.G. (ed) (forthcoming 2011) French Language and Social Interaction: Studies in Conversation Analysis and Interactional Linguistics, Nottingham French Studies (Special Issue), Volume 50 (2).

Revues nationales avec comité de lecture:

Bert, M., Bruxelles, S., Etienne, C., Jouin, E. , Mondada, L., Teston, S., Traverso, V. (2010). Grands corpus et linguistique outillée : enjeux de la mise à disposition de corpus de français en interaction (bases CLAPI et CIEL). Revue Pratiques (CRESEF, Metz), n° 147-148 (décembre 2010).« Interactions et Corpus Oraux ».

Ouvrages ou chapitres d'ouvrage:

Mondada, L. (submitted). An interactionist perspective on the ecology of linguistic practices: The situated and embodied production of talk. In Ralph Ludwig, Peter Mühlhäusler & Steve Pagel (eds.). Language ecology and language contact. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Mondada, L. (accepted). Coordinating mobile action in real time: the timed organization of directives in video games. In: Haddington, P., Mondada, L., Nevile, M. (eds). Being mobile: Movement as social action.

Mondada, L. (accepted). Coordinating action and talk-in-interaction in and out of video games. In R. Ayass, C. Gerhradt (eds.). The appropriation of media in everyday life. What people do with media. Amsterdam: Benjamins (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series).

Mondada, L. (submitted). An interactionist perspective on the ecology of linguistic practices: The situated and embodied production of talk. In Ralph Ludwig, Peter Mühlhäusler & Steve Pagel (eds.). Language ecology and language contact. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

Nguyen, N. Representations of speech sound patterns in the speaker's brain: Insights from perception studies, in Cohn, A., Fougeron, C., & Huffman, M., éditeurs, Handbook of Laboratory Phonology (Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK), sous presse.

Communications dans des conférences internationales :

Bruxelles, S. ; Traverso, V. (2011). Making one’s own voice heard in other-repetitions. Panel "Understanding varieties and functions of other-repetition in interaction" (Oloff, F.; Traverso, V.), 12th International Pragmatics Conference (IPRA), Manchester, 4-8 juillet.

Bruxelles, S., Etienne, C., Jouin, E., Mondada, L., Oloff, F., Traverso, V. (2011). Phénomènes et unités : questions autour de la détection automatique des répétitions dans un corpus de langue parlée en interaction. Colloque international « (Dés-)organisation de l'oral ? De la segmentation à l'interprétation » (24-25 mars 2011, Rennes).

Garnier, M, Lamalle, L. & Sato, M. (2011). Neural correlates of intentional versus automatic imitation of speech. 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 26-30, Québec, Canada.

Garnier, M, Lamalle, L. & Sato, M. (2011). Neural correlates of phonetic convergence and speech imitation. Ninth International Seminar on Speech Production, June 20-23, Montreal, Canada.

Michelas, A, & Nguyen, N. (2011). Uncovering the effect of imitation on tonal patterns of French Accentual Phrases. Interspeech 2011, Florence, 28-31 august.

Oloff, F. (2011). Re-completing a turn: repeats as receipts of collaborative completions. IIEMCA 2011, 10th Conference of the International Institute of Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis, Fribourg, 10-14 juillet.

Oloff, F. ; Mondada, L. (2011). "Repeating" gestures while translating: Translation as an embodied practice. Panel "Understanding varieties and functions of other-repetition in interaction" (Oloff, F.; Traverso, V.), 12th International Pragmatics Conference (IPRA), Manchester, 4-8 juillet.

Oloff, F. (2011). L'hétéro-répétition suite aux complétions collaboratives : une étude multimodale de tours produits conjointement. Colloque international « (Dés-)organisation de l'oral ? De la segmentation à l'interprétation », Rennes, 24-25 mars.

Oloff, F., & Traverso, V. (2011). Understanding varieties and functions of other-repetition in interaction. Panel accepted at the Colloque International de la International Pragmatics Association (IPRA), Manchester, 4-8 juillet.

Sato, M., Grabski, K., Garnier, L., Granjon, L., Schwartz, J.-L. & Nguyen, N. (2011). Plasticity of auditory goals in speech production: behavioral evidence from phonetic convergence and speech imitation. Ninth International Seminar on Speech Production, June 20-23, Montreal, Canada.

Alho, J., Jaaskelainen, I., Sato, M., Schwartz, J.-L., Tiitinen, H., Kauramäki, J. & Sams, M. (2010). To listen and to talk: auditory M100 response shifts posteriorly when perceiving phonemes before speaking, Neurobiology of Language Conference 2010, San Diego, 11-12 nov. 2010.

Bigi, B., Bertrand, R., & Guardiola, M. (2010). Recherche automatique d'he´te´ro-re´pe´titions dans un dialogue oral spontané, Actes des XXVIIIèmes Journées d’Étude sur la Parole, Mons, 25-28 mai 2010.

Brunellière, A., Dufour, S., & Nguyen, N. (2010). Y a-t-il un impact de l’imitation sur la reconnaissance des mots parlés dans un accent régional non-natif? Actes des XXVIIIèmes Journées d’Étude sur la Parole, Mons, 25-28 mai 2010, pp. 321-324.

Brunellière, A., Dufour, S., & Nguyen, N. (2010). Electrophysiological evidence for the impact of non-native regional accent imitation on sentence comprehension, Neurobiology of Language Conference 2010, San Diego, 11-12 nov. 2010.

Sato, M., Grabski, K., Granjon, L., Schwartz, J.-L., & Nguyen, N. (2010). Converging to a common speech code: automatic imitative and perceptuo-motor recalibration processes in speech communication, Neurobiology of Language Conference 2010, San Diego, 11-12 nov. 2010.

Traverso, V. (2010). Répétition, accord et désaccord : analyse d'une réunion de travail. Communication accepted at the Colloque International « Dialogisme », 8-11 septembre, Montpellier.

Séminaires invité:

Sato, M. (2011). Die Rolle der Spiegelneuronen bei der Sprachentwicklung. 2nd Neurotherapy Symposium, May 14, Zurich, Switzerland.

Nguyen, N. (2010). The dynamical approach to speech perception, CPMSP2 Summer School, Berlin, sept.

Nguyen, N. (2009).The sound shape of words in the mental lexicon : Insights from studies on imitation between talkers, Linguistisches Kolloquium, LMU, Munich, juil.

Sato, M. (2009). Percevoir et agir ? Interactions sensorimotrices lors de la perception de parole. Laboratoire Linguistique, Langues, Parole, December 12, Strasbourg, France.

Sato, M. (2009). Interactions sensorimotrices lors de la perception de parole. Laboratoire Parole & Langage, May 29, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Sato, M. (2009). La nature sensorimotrice de la parole. Centre de Recherche en Sciences Cognitives et du Langage, February 20, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Thèses de doctorat:

Aubanel, V. Traitement perceptif de la variation phonologique : le français de Marseille (Supervisor : N. Nguyen).

Fiasson, R. Dynamique des mouvements articulatoires dans l'interaction conversationnelle (Supervisor : N. Nguyen).

Guardiola, M. Contribution multimodale à l'étude de phénomènes de convergence dans l'interaction en face-à-face (Supervisor : R. Bertrand et

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